VISTEN Creative

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Aperio Alpha Launch Announcement

A Note from Visten Creative

Today’s post will be a bit different. Over the last two+ years our team has been researching, working on, and planning for a new tool that helps people tell better brand stories. To make this project a reality we formed a new company along with Isaac Zylstra who holds a Masters in Economics. Since we don’t yet have a blog on we’re making our alpha version launch announcement here, enjoy!

Welcome to Aperio

“Your brand’s story has the power to be a map, mirror and magnet, and your vision keeps you on track, enabling you to attract like-minded people who want to create the future with you.” -Story-Driven by Bernadette Jiwa

Aperio Alpha is Launched

After more than two years of planning and research we are excited to invite you to participate in Aperio Alpha. This is a basic version of our planned suite of tools to help individuals, teams, and businesses uncover their story and communicate better with others. Thank you for taking the time to join us on this journey!

Our Quick Ask

We need data to help us improve our questions and results. Would you be willing to give our app a try? You can head over to right now to create an account and take our survey.

What’s In This Version?

Aperio Alpha is designed to be a tool for individuals to begin exploring our StoryProfiles. If you take one of our short assessments you will get some quick overview results and can use this to become familiar with our tools. The Full Version of our survey provides not only your StoryFamily but also your specific StoryProfile and a sneak peek at our Match Roles module which will provide some personalized career and interpersonal information.

We have a lot of planned features in the future!  We plan to explore colors, fonts, team dynamics, and company cultures as they relate to the 60 StoryProfiles. We’ll be sure to let you know when new modules and reports launch so you can grow and learn even more.

Next Steps

Our goal is to reach 1000 test users by the end of June 2022 and we will need your help to do it. Please take the time to create an account and take our full assessment at:

While we are not yet advertising broadly, we’d love to begin working with some additional corporate partners to develop our team building and business tools. If your team or company would be interested in discussing future partnerships with us we’d love to hear from you. You can reach out to us at or by filling out this form.

Thank You!

We are thankful for all of our partners and advisors, friends and family who have patiently supported our work on this project. We would like to give some special shout-outs to those who made it possible for us to get to this milestone. 

  • Derek Desmoreaux for sharing ideas several years ago and encouraging Andrew to pursue this project.

  • Margret Hartwell whose book Archetypes in Branding was the initial spark that started this project and still serves as the backbone of our model. We are thankful to have her blessing as we embark on this journey

  • Warren Kennaugh Author of FIT whose research offers a glimpse at the type of work we hope to do in the future.

  • Sydney Smith for providing graphics for each StoryFamily. Her art is an inspiration!

  • Neil Carlson from the Center for Social Research for sharing his knowledge. We look forward to reviewing data sets with you soon!

  • Movadex for agreeing to be our first corporate test users.

  • Nick Longo for talking us through how design users might someday utilize our tools both in the real world and in the classroom.

  • Jeremy Evan-Smith for always checking in and being a peer mentor and cheerleader for our projects.

  • Steven Rawling for his work on Storyteller Tactics. We are excited to explore how to incorporate these key storytelling strategies in future releases. (This is an affiliate link. We’ll get a small percentage of your Storyteller Tactics purchase.)

So many more of you have helped out in countless ways and we are thankful for all of you. We can’t wait to see how this project and community grows.

One Last Time

We need your help to bring Aperio to market. As a “Thank You” we are offering free access to our individual tools for a year after our Beta launch to everyone who takes the full version of our assessment before April 1, 2022, or are in the first thousand users - whichever comes first. Try out Aperio Alpha here:

Thanks again for being part of our journey!

Andrew and Isaac, Co-Founders Aperio