Launching FastBucket | Funded by Start Garden

We have some exciting news - We’ve been accepted into The 100, a startup competition run by StartGarden.

Note From Our Founder

I’m excited to be writing to this blog again. Over the last few years I’ve been investing time into getting my Master’s Degree in Media and Strategic Communication, learning more about human psychology, and building up my knowledge of AI tools. Our team over at Aperio, LLC recently got some funding for a new project called FastBucket. Below is an adaptation of our launch announcement email. - Andrew Pruim, MA

We have some exciting news - We’ve been accepted into The 100, a startup competition run by StartGarden.
— -Andrew Pruim, MA, Founder FastBucket

Getting into Start Garden

Start Garden has given us $1000 to pursue FastBucket, an AI backed audience research tool. Over the next several weeks we'll be working on developing our idea and competing for $20,000 at DemoDay. Come support us on September 18, 2024 at Calder Plaza in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Why FastBucket?

Many research processes today take teams eight to ten human-hours to turn a single audience interview hour from qualitative data into quantitative data. Multiply that work across tens or hundreds of interviews and the cost in work hours for a single research project can be enormous.

Changes in the power and availability of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have also made new levels of efficiency and accuracy possible. FastBucket takes advantage of these changes to simplify and accelerate processing interviews into actionable data.

Ready to Get Involved?

Do you have a project past, present, or future that would be a good fit for FastBucket? We're excited to talk with you about your needs, FastBucket's unique approach, and how we could work together. Get the conversation started today and shoot us an email:

What's Happening with Aperio Assessments?

We’ve put a pause on development of our first app Aperio Assessments to focus on FastBucket during The 100. Plans have been in place for a while now to revisit our calculation matrix using new AI tools. It’s crazy to think the original app calculations were done by hand! We’ll pick this project up again when time allows.

You can still use Aperio Assessments to uncover your StoryFamily and upgrades to advanced features are still available on our store front. Reach out to us if you want to learn more about how our assessments can help you gain insights into your organization.

Our Promise

What remains the same as we shift focus to FastBucket is our commitment to exploring human psychology and storytelling through technology. We are as committed as ever to creating tools that make human communication better.

See You at Demo Day

We’d love to see you in-person on demo day September 18th at Calder Plaza in Grand Rapids, Michigan, your support is a key factor in showing the value of our idea.


Can’t make it in person? Reach out to our team and keep an eye on our LinkedIn and Facebook pages for virtual demos and other ways to support FastBucket.

Thanks again for being part of our startup journey. We couldn’t do it without you.

Andrew Pruim, MA - Co-Founder Aperio, LLC & FastBucket

Isaac Zylstra, MS - Co-Founder Aperio, LLC & FastBucket

Andrew PruimAperio, LLC