Success is Expressing Who I Am | @MeetRivka


An avid reader, Social Media Creator, and Business Development Consultant, Rivka, has seen her business grow alongside the social media industry. Never bored in this changing industry, she is fascinated by interesting connections between different industries, what changes, and what stays the same.

Why did you choose to work for yourself?

I am able to do my best work and engage with the world around me the most when I am being mentally challenged. Being on my own allows me to have a flexible schedule and have more control over the income that I bring in so that I can be physically present for my children and also supporting them financially. 

I “started” in 2005 on the side while holding down a full time “day-job.” I gradually transitioned to part-time work in 2006, and completely freelance in 2007. After working in a corporate environment for a few years it was such a refreshing change to be creative. Over a couple years I transitioned into this new thing called “social media.” 

It has been so fun growing my business alongside the social media industry. One of the amazing things about the world we live in is how rapidly things are changing. When I was a kid, none of the things that I work with even existed.

The Connections Others Miss

Creativity is the ability to see the connections between things that others miss.


Creativity is incredibly important in social media and in business in every sense. It allows you to stand apart in what you do and connect with others. Cutting through the noise and clutter is critical in today’s world.

Success is Expressing Who I Am

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”

- Maya Angelou

It is about so much more than only monetary compensation. It is about personal integrity, making a difference in the world, and expressing who I am as a unique individual. 

My biggest challenge has been finding balance between being a mom and a business owner. One of the things that have helped me the most is to be intentional about spending my time, find the places where I am wasting time and be more efficient, and learn what to let go. 

Advice: You Have to Read

Read! Read a lot of different genres, including things that are not directly applicable to your area of expertise. Read fiction, read fantasy, read history, read nonfiction, read about something you have no experience with at all. This will help you see new connections, have new ideas, and stretch your brain in unexpected ways. 

As an avid reader and book collector, I have realized that the saying is true, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Most new technology, advancement, and creativity comes from building new connections between things that already exist. The more we embrace connection, the more our creativity can flourish. 

Advice: Keep Going No Matter What

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.” -Winston Churchill.

I like this quote because it covers all situations. It is a reminder to not be complacent when we feel like things are going our way, not give up when we fail, and to keep going no matter what. 

3 Essential Books to Read

As an avid reader and owner of over 1,000 books in my personal library, it is challenging to narrow it down. Of all the books I own, these are the ones that I have bought over and over to give as gifts as well as read multiple times: 

Train Your Brain by Dana Wilde. It is a practical book about focusing your thoughts and intentions on the goal that you want and has been a powerful resource in my life. 


 Contagious by Jonah Berger. It is the quintessential book about viral marketing and very well researched. Even though it was published a few years ago it has stood the test of time and is just as applicable today as the day it was written. 


Finish by Jon Accuff. It is humorous and practical and deals with a constant problem of creatives - getting projects to the finish line. 

What’s Next?

In 2020 one of my big goals is to complete several books and larger writing projects that have been in the cooker for a while. Right now I am working on updating my courses about using LinkedIn. I am creating different versions for different types of niches, such as solopreneurs, creative professionals, college students, and small businesses. 

Connect with Rivka

Twitter: @MeetRivka


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